Debt-Free in 2011 Part I: Making a Financial New Year’s Resolution

The average New Year's resolution involves either bettering your health, improving your finances or kicking a bad habit. But why settle for just one when you can accomplish all three?

Sure, it might sound a little ambitious. But it can be done by making just one simple change, say Atlanta bankruptcy attorneys. And that's getting out of debt.

Debt wreaks havoc on our lives by overwhelming our emotions, straining our relationships and holding us back from achieving our goals. By making 2011 the year you lower debt, you can reduce stress levels, increase your income and rely less on credit, the bad habit that likely led to much of your problem in the first place.

The concept of eliminating debt might not be easy, but it truly is simple. All that is required is that you commit to paying more than the minimum. Instead of merely covering interest each month, which leaves your balance untouched, you need to actually start chipping away at your debt burden, which in time will lower your payments. And by lowering the cost of high-interest debts, you'll free up money to pay other important bills.

But what if you've built up so much debt over the years that you can barely afford to pay interest, let alone increase your payment size? That's where professional help comes in. By filing for bankruptcy, for instance, you can eliminate debt completely while protecting your possessions and your house. And right now at DebtStoppers, it costs just $300 to have your bankruptcy case filed. Have questions about bankruptcy? We can answer them for free when you sign up for a complimentary personal debt analysis with an Atlanta bankruptcy attorney. So you can start the New Year with a newfound financial freedom.

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