Phishing Email Scams Try to Lure Atlanta Bank Customers into Giving Up Personal Information

From an early age, we're taught not to trust strangers. Maybe that's why it's so easy for us to spot fraudulent e-mails coming from people or places we don't recognize.

The problem is, some scammers are outsmarting us by disguising their e-mails - and stealing our personal information in the process, according to Atlanta bankruptcy attorneys. Sure, we know not to click on that message from a millionaire in a foreign country or someone trying to sell us weight loss pills - especially when the e-mails are full of typos. But what about that legitimate-looking e-mail that appears to be from our own bank or credit card company?

I know from experience. A couple months ago, I received an e-mail from my bank requesting that I download a form to update my account information. The e-mail address looked familiar, the bank logo in the message looked real, there was nothing to indicate the mail was a scam - except for one minor detail. I'd never before gotten an e-mail from my bank that asked for personal information.

I couldn't shake my suspicions, so I called my bank's customer service hotline. I'm sure glad I did, because it turned out that the e-mails were indeed fake. The representative I spoke with told me what I already know, but was almost conned into forgetting: a bank - or any financial institution or business, for that matter - should never request personal information such as social security numbers, checking accounts or credit card numbers through e-mail, only through a secure website.

It can't hurt to read all your e-mails carefully, even the ones you think you can trust. You never know what information a scammer might have about you, and they can use that knowledge - such as what bank you use - against you in order to profit off your hard-earned paycheck.

Protecting your personal information from fraudsters is one smart way to save money. Looking for another? How about getting rid of the debt burden you've been carrying around for far too long? Lowering debt eliminates future payments, including interest. If you've got too much debt to handle alone, bankruptcy can help you find a fresh start. Want to learn more? It's free when you try a complimentary personal debt analysis with an Atlanta bankruptcy attorney.

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