Category Archives: Fees

Read Your Credit Card Junk Mail Before You Toss It

If you’re in the habit of tossing mail from credit card companies before opening the envelopes, you might want to rethink your strategy. With creditors in the process of making changes to counteract stricter regulation, it’s likely that some of those envelopes you assume are just advertisements or routine legal notices are actually important updates… Read More »

Banks Find Ways to Make Checking Accounts More Expensive, Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyers Say

There’s a lot of (legal) pick pocketing going around, but that shouldn’t mean we have to put up with it. Remember last month when we discussed the growing cost of credit cards? In response to new legislation meant to protect consumers from unfair fees and term changes, credit card companies are lowering limits, raising rates… Read More »

Atlanta Bankruptcy Attorneys Wonder What Happened to Free Checking

If banks have their way, free checking could become a thing of the past. But we don’t have to accept it without a fight. You know how I discussed the way credit card companies have been hiking up rates in light of the new consumer protection legislation? Since they can no longer charge unfair fees… Read More »

Creditors Add New Fees Before Card Reform Takes Effect

For every two steps forward, credit card companies just have to take one step back. You’ve probably already heard about the new credit card legislation going into effect to protect consumers from hidden fees and unfair rate hikes. As of February, that means no more double-billing cycles. No more confusing fine print. No more raising… Read More »

Annual Fees Are Back As Credit Card Companies Face Reform

Imagine paying for the privilege of spending your money. Sounds a little ridiculous, doesn’t it? But it could become reality for millions of credit card holders once the last part of credit reform legislation goes into effect this February. Don’t get me wrong – the regulation changes are much-needed. They’ll protect consumers by eliminating things… Read More »