Category Archives: Jobs

Rising Costs of Food and Gas Affecting Payroll Tax Cut

More than two months after Americans got a small paycheck boost courtesy of Uncle Sam, the verdict is in: it’s not working. The goal of rolling back Social Security payroll taxes by 2 percent was to encourage consumers to spend more, thus stimulating the economy. But with the cost of living rising faster than expected… Read More »

Employer Health Insurance Premiums Rise for Chicago Workers

Chances are there’s a surprise from your employer on its way to your mailbox, and it’s not a Christmas card. As they seem to do every year, health care premiums are going up in January, note Chicago bankruptcy attorneys. And employers are passing those costs on to us. Sometimes insurers will include a vague reference… Read More »

Health Insurance Companies Increase Premiums for Atlanta Employees

Many workers hoping for a bonus from their employers this month received something a lot less pleasant: a memo stating that their health insurance premium will go up next year. Health insurance companies are raising rates on employers, who are in turn passing the costs on to us. Insurers often place blame on expenses associated… Read More »

Tax Cut Agreement Could Help Atlanta Workers Lower Debt

What would you do with an extra $1,000 or more a year? You might be about to find out. Part of the tax plan between President Obama and Congressional Republicans includes a 2 percent cut in Social Security payroll taxes. So if you’re making $60,000 annually, for instance, you’ll get to keep an additional $1,200… Read More »

How Bush Tax Cut Extension Could Affect Chicago Workers With Debts

It looks like American workers could be getting a raise next year, albeit a small one. If the tax agreement between President Obama and legislators passes, one of the provisions will reduce the Social Security payroll tax rate from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. For someone making $60,000 a year, that’s an extra $1,200 in… Read More »